UNS Conference Portal, The 1st International Conference on Science, Mathematics, Environment and Education 2017

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The Quality of Transformation Conceptual Knowledge to Factual a Guide Lab Work Biology in the High School Level
ringga - malia

Last modified: 2017-07-26


A guide lab work (LKS) which can bring up or present an object/phenomena to be observed is a reflection the transformation of conceptual knowledge to factual. The transformation of the concept to be fact of learning can be done through execution a procedure which predicted make a lab work more meaningful and effective. This study aims to get the quality of transformation conceptual to factual a guide lab work high school level circulating in the field, through analysis on the procedure components. The components procedures which become indicators transformation covering; a) focus question; b) meaningful procedure; c) feasibility; d) hands on; e) tools; f) materials; g) object/event; and h) observation. The data is obtained and analyzed qualitatively. Sample selected based on purposive sampling technique. Sample which elected then measured using rubric developed based on a diagram vee (Novak&Gowin, 1984). The data is obtained and analyzed qualitatively. The result shows, the quality of transformation conceptual to factual a guide lab work is in good, excellent, moderately and less category. In good and excellent category, a guide lab work identified having foqus question and eliciting object/event relevant as fact learning. Variation located at with or without certain skills at the lab work activities.  In moderately category, foqus question is identified, eliciting object/event, but less of relevant as fact learning. While the last category, focus questions identified but does not support the object/event as a fact learning.

Keywords: Transformation, conceptual-factual knowledge, guide lab work