UNS Conference Portal, The 1st International Conference on Science, Mathematics, Environment and Education 2017

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The Development of Chemical Module Based On A Compendium Ayat-ayat Quran to Increase Learning Motivation and Achievement of Trensains Muhammadiyah Sragen Student
Nurul Hidayati

Last modified: 2017-07-26


Trensains (pesantren of science) is boarding senior high school which roams the world science. Trensains use unification curriculum, so its has stong character in quran and sciences integration. Specifically, the trensains curriculum strongly need a module which accordance to the learning process. The module that required is module that arranged to indicate the presence of an interaction between religion and science. The result showed that as many as 99 percent of students need module science with a compendium ayat-ayat quran. The chemical module in chapter petroleum with a compendium ayat-ayat quran has been developed. As for learning model used that is problem based learning (PBL), which is one of learning model appropriate in curriculum 2017. By using the chemical module based a compendium ayat-ayat quran  for teaching in senior high school of Trensains Muhammadiyah Sragen,  the result showed that module can increase students motivation to learn, it reach 83 % and can increase student learning achievements, it increases until 85 %.