UNS Conference Portal, The 1st International Conference on Science, Mathematics, Environment and Education 2017

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sondra swestyani

Last modified: 2017-07-26


Analysing Logical Thinking Using Mind Mapping

S Swestyani

Science Education Department of  Postgraduate Programme Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia



Abstract. Brains can remember information in different forms, i.e images, symbols, sounds, and senses, then the information is connected by logical gate. This information needs imagination and association to construct new meaningful images. This research aim is to describe a method of teaching that is based on Tony Buzan’s mind mapping technique. This research shows how mind mapping can be used to measure student logical thinking and how mind mapping can promote students’ understanding in ways that are meaningful. Data collecting method used test of mind mapping that involved 31 students of  XI grade in SMA Batik 2 Surakarta. Then, analysing the structure and content of the mind mapping using ohassta’s mind mapping rubric. The rubric includes four aspects, i.e knowledge, communication, thinking, and application. A qualitative analysis Miles and Hubberman’s was used to assess the obtained data. The result showed that the persentage of knowledge aspect was 53,23 %, communication aspect was 28,33 %, thinking aspect was 28,33 %, and knowledge aspect was 41,53 %. Mind mapping makes logical thinking visible so that the quality of learning that has occurred can be seen and explored. Using mind mapping in the course of teaching means that learning is no longer a complex and intractable process, measurable is not only by proxy but also by an observable phenomenon.

Keyword: Logical thinking, mind mapping, ohassta