UNS Conference Portal, The 1st International Conference on Science, Mathematics, Environment and Education 2017

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The Development of Instrument Assessment Based on Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) in Simple Harmonic Motion Concept
Intan Nurfianty Amalia

Last modified: 2017-07-26



PISA survey result illustrate that the Indonesian student’s ability to think scientifically is low. It is because of students are less trained in solving HOTS. The objectives of the research were to develop an instrument for measuring ABBS senior high school student’s higher order thinking skills in Simple Harmonic Motion concept. The instrument blue print was developed based on the aspect and pattern of high order thinking skills as a foundation to develop items. Instrument consists of twenty multiple choice test then validated by instrument experts, physics education experts, practitioners and peer reviewers. The validated instruments were then tried out on small scale and large scale. The kind of research used qualitative research. An analysis of data using descriptive analysis. The result shows that all items consists of twenty were fit to Rasch model. Small try out shows the reliability of the test was 0.50 while large scale the reliability of the test was 0.61. Therefore, the instrument test are qualified to measure senior high school student’s physics higher order thinking skills.