UNS Conference Portal, The 1st International Conference on Science, Mathematics, Environment and Education 2017

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Comprehensive understanding of mole concept subject matter according to mahaffy's tetrahedral chemistry education (empirical study on the first-year chemistry student of technische universität dresden)
Doni Wahyu Prabowo, Sri Mulyani, Nurma Yunita Indriyanti, Karl-Heinz van Pée

Last modified: 2017-07-17


This research aims to apprehend: (1) the concept of tetrahedral chemistry education according to Mahaffy's theory which is called the future of chemistry education, (2) comprehensive understanding of chemistry first-year students of Technische Universität Dresden according to the Mahaffy's theory on mole concept subject matter. The subjects of this research are first-year chemistry students at Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. This research uses descriptive research that is qualitative. The results of this study are (1) learning based on Mahaffy’s tetrahedral theory put the concept of chemistry, symbolic representation, and chemical substance as well as its process in the authentic context of human beings that create substance, culture in using it, and learners who try to understand it. Tetrahedral metaphors help us integrate content and context, without emphasis on one thing and weaken another, (2) first-year chemistry students of Technische Universität Dresden have comprehensively understood the mole concept associated with the context of everyday life, whereby students are able to find out macroscopic information from statements that are contextual to human life and then by using symbols and formulas are able to comprehend the molecular components.