UNS Conference Portal, The 1st International Conference on Science, Mathematics, Environment and Education 2017

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Ardina Titi Purbo Retno, Sulistyo Saputro, Sulistyo Saputro, Maria Ulfa, Maria Ulfa

Last modified: 2017-07-05


Brebes distric is one of the areas whose inhabitants have low reading interest. This is evidenced from the data of the Central Agency of Statistics (BPS) in 2016 which indicates that the increasing age of the Brebes population, the level of desire to continue the school is lower. Reading is an absolute requirement for people to get a better education. The existence of this background, this research aimed to find out the level of students literacy science during study in the school. This study aimed at schools that have more science class than social class. This research is a descriptive research that aims to explain or describe the level of students science literacy in three schools in Brebes, there are Senior High School 1 Jatibarang, Senior High School 2 Brebes and Senior High School 3 Brebes. The population in this study is students in three schools of Senior High School Brebes. The samples in this study are students of science class in each school. The sample is taken by simple random sampling technique. The data is taken using an observation sheet which containing tests of science literacy and then the data defined in to percentage for each student. Science literacy questions used are derived from PISA and have aspects that can know the students' abilities in each of their answers. The result of this research analysis is each school, that are Senior High School 1 Jatibarang, Senior High School 2 Brebes and Senior High School 3 Brebes get result 34%, 48% and 36%. Aspects of science literacy in the question can determine the level of students' ability to the science literacy through student answers. It shows that the level of science literacy in three Senior High School Brebes district still low. Therefore, needed a learning media in the form of reading that can attract students' interest to read the book used as a learning guide wherever and whenever.

Keywords: context aspect, knowledge aspects, competence aspect, attitude aspect, science literacy, PISA