UNS Conference Portal, The 1st International Conference on Science, Mathematics, Environment and Education 2017

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Energy Efficiency Effect on The Public Street Lighting by Using LED Light Replacement and kWh-meter Installation at DKI Jakarta Province, Indonesia
Panggih Sudarmono

Last modified: 2017-07-16


Public street lighting consumes large energy for the public interest, but many still do not use energy-saving technologies. In 2014, Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta operated 179,305 units of street lighting lamp spread over 5 of the city administration and 1 district administration. Of the number of installed armature, 92 % or 166.441 units are HPS (High-Pressure Sodium) armature which are inefficient.

In 2016, the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta conducted energy savings in the street lighting, by implementing the programs of kWh-meter installation in every street lighting panel and use energy-saving lamps equipped with the smart system. The Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta is registered with 6.399 customer IDs in PLN (State Owned Electric Company), and gradually carried out the kWh Meter installation and changes to the contract. Use of energy-saving lights program done by replacing the HPS armature that is not energy efficient to LED which is known to be energy efficient. Until the end of 2016, the number of armatures that has been replaced was 88,417 units.

The research results on 25 sample of customer IDs and the replacement of 2.162 units armature, showed that the energy efficiency through kWh meter installation and armature replacement reduce the power consumption from 330.414 kWh to 71.278 kWh or by 78.43%. Generally, there was a decrease in the value of electricity bill compared to the before the replacement. Program activities of kWh-meter installations and replacement of the armature with a payback period of 2.66 years. The contribution to the reduction of carbon emissions through energy efficiency in the field of street lighting in Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta in 2016 amounted to 51,804 tons CO2e.