UNS Conference Portal, The 1st International Conference on Science, Mathematics, Environment and Education 2017

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Preliminary research on the development of innovative assessment instruments: computerized two-tier multiple choice to measure the student's science literacy
Marantika Lia Kristyasari

Last modified: 2017-07-08


The purpose of this preliminary study is to analyze the need for assessment instruments on Integrated Science materials. Assessment instruments are used by a teacher to measure learners' abilities in the learning process. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The objects of research are SMP N 1, SMP N 4 and SMP N 12 in Surakarta.  The testing technique uses data triangulation. The results of this preliminary research data are, 1) the type of assessment instrument often used are essays, multiple choices, and short answers. 2) Some teachers already be familiar with about the innovation of assessment instrument types, such as two-tier multiple choice test or three-tier multiple choice test and test let. 3) In the assessment process, teachers use paper and pencil for the test work. 4) Analysis on assessment instruments are done manually. 5) The questions of the assessment instrument used has not fully involved the environment and the natural environment (science literacy). The conclusion of this preliminary study is the need to develop an innovative assessment instrument that is a computerized two tier multiple choice and able to measure students' literacy of science.