UNS Conference Portal, The 1st International Conference on Science, Mathematics, Environment and Education 2017

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Analysis Of Teachers Issues In Applying Environment Learning Media And The Ability To Solve The Problems Of Environmental On Elementary School Students In The Border Regional Province Of East And North Kalimantan
Makrina Tindangen

Last modified: 2017-07-04


Abstract - One of the main issues of environmental theme learning in primary schools, teachers do not use contextual learning media to facilitate the problem solving skills of elementary school students on the environment in the border areas of East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan province. Based on the problem, the purpose of the research is to find out the problems faced by teachers related to the application of environmental media in learning the theme of environment and the issues of problem solving ability of elementary school students in border area of ​​East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan. Qualitative research method with interview guidance instrument to get in-depth data related to teacher problem applying environment learning media and the case of problem solving ability of elementary school studenst to environment. The location and respondents of East Kalimantan border area research are representatives of three primary schools located in Kutai Barat district, while for the border areas of North Kalimantan representatives of three primary schools located in Nunukan district. Data analysis using categorization in tables with category less, enough, good, very good and interpreted through descriptive analysis. The results obtained by the problems of application of environment-based learning media by teachers in learning environment theme in elementary school are in less and enough category while the problem solving ability of students on environment is in less category. Based on the results of the research are recommended that the teachers must facilitate the problem solving skills of elementary school students on the environment, the teacher must use environmental learning media context with environmental issues in both areas.

Keywords: teacher problem, environmental media, student ability, environmental problem solving.